Cash and Check Handling
If you collect or distribute funds on behalf of the university, it is important that you understand and honor Rutgers policies pertaining to cash, gift cards, checks, and credit card handling. Collectors typically handle cash, checks, and/or credit cards. Distributors also work with cash, checks, and/or gift cards, and may manage wire transfers and electronic funds transfers (EFTs).
Noncompliance with university funds management policies could have financial and/or legal ramifications for the department and the individual(s) involved. Review the guidelines below to become familiar with what is expected of you in your role as a collector or distributor of funds.
These policies are the minimum rules required by Rutgers; departments might enforce more stringent rules.
Any staff who handle cash, checks, gift cards, credit cards, or credit card information must adhere to the below policies:
Deposit Supplies
When deposit supplies are needed for a new location, the department must email University Treasury to request a new location number. We will place the initial supply order with the bank once a new location order has been established.
To re-order deposit slips and/or tamperproof deposit bags for existing location numbers, contact the vendor (Superior Press) at 877-851-7258. Provide your location number and confirm your shipping address with Superior Press to facilitate your order. Once ordered, the deposit slips and/or tamperproof deposit bags will be shipped directly to the confirmed address. The two tamperproof bag sizes available to order are as follows: cash only (12” x 16”) and check only (9” x 12”).
Deposit Alternatives (Besides Armored Car):
Wells Fargo checks can be sent via USPS mail or courier if they are accompanied by a completed deposit slip.
The addresses are below:

It is recommended that you take a picture of the check and deposit slip before putting them in the mail. Please note that this process does not apply to cash.
Other check and cash deposits with accompanying deposit slips can be taken to a Wells Fargo branch for deposit. As always, checks should be endorsed “Rutgers University” and “For Deposit Only” before transportation. If you are concerned about your security when transporting cash deposits, you may request an escort by the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD) by calling the RUPD’s non-emergency number at least 24 hours in advance.