Finance Reports (Go To Reports)
NEW Finance Report Catalog – The Finance Report Catalog provides an easy-to-use tool for accessing the reports you need, including the ability to filter, search, and sort reports. Check it out! A Job Aid is available.
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Provides Summary of Sponsored Projects’ Budget, Cost and Encumbrance by Expenditure Type and Expenditure Category RU OAC PJ176 Sponsored Reconciliation Report Provides a summary of Sponsored Projects’ budget, cost (including Employee Level Salary Detail), and encumbrance by expenditure type and expenditure category. The report contains additional tabs for expenditure transaction detail including Employee Name for salary expenses along with detail for Procurement commitments. This dashboard combines data from Oracle Financials Cloud, along with the payroll data from Peoplesoft/Tableau, eliminating the need to obtain information from different systems. RU OAC PJ176 Catalog > Shared folders> Finance Analytics - MR - Sponsored Projects folder > RU OAC PJ176 Sponsored Reconciliation Report Review Summary of a Sponsored Project Inception to Date
Displays the project number, description, associated contract number, principal investigator (PI), project start date and end date, total budget (from project inception to date), raw cost, indirect costs, actual balance, encumbrance, and balances with and without encumbrance.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Review Summary and Detail of Sponsored Projects
NEWSponsored Projects - Summary and Detail (of expenses and PO encumbrances)
Provides a summary of Sponsored Projects’ budget, cost, and encumbrance by expenditure type. Displays further details on expenses and encumbrances, minimizing or eliminating the need to go to manage project cost and manage commitment cost to review details and download them for analysis.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Review and Reconcile Project Cost Transactions to the General Ledger
Shows project costs by period. Includes general ledger string, expenditure comments, and creator.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > PGM Reports
Review Activity of a Project - Summary and Detail
Provides a top-down approach from a summary projects consolidated view to detailed costs, revenues, budget and commitments
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Look up Projects Chart of Account Values RU PJ 013B COA Segment Listing for Sponsored Projects Report Shows the default project string for each project, old project number, name, project manager, contract, and task numbers. Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > PGM Reports Review Awards Pending Termination
Shows awards expiring within 90-180 days, expired awards, and awards pending close.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > PGM Reports
Reconcile Project Transactions to the General Ledger
RU GL 089 Account Analysis Report (see Navigation Path)
Displays general ledger chart of accounts transaction activity. The report has expanded values from the subledgers to include project number, task number, contract number, revenue source, and PO number, as applicable. Helpful in reconciliation of various subledger transactions to the general ledger.
Tools > Scheduled Processes > Account Analysis Report
Review Awards in Deficit and Pending Execution
Shows awards in deficit and all projects within those awards, listing award number, award organization, project number, PI, budget, project status, cost, and variance.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Sponsored Projects - Summary and Detail
Sponsored Projects – Summary and Detail (of expenses and PO encumbrances)
Shows project and award information, summary by expenditure type, and project details across multiple views.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Reconciling Project F&A expenses to GL F&A Revenue F&A Reconciliation Dashboard Provides COA segment and transactional summary/detail information regarding sponsored project F&A expenses and GL F&A Revenue for reconciliation purposes. Identifies any projects that generate F&A Expense and the F&A Revenue that is not being returned to the Unit of the project or incorrect location or business line. FA Reconciliation Dashboard Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects > Sponsored Projects > F&A Reconciliation Dashboard -
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Review Activity of a Project - Summary and Detail
Provides a top-down approach from a summary projects consolidated view to detailed costs, revenues, budget and commitments
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Review and Reconcile Project Cost Transactions to the General Ledger
Shows project costs by period. Includes general ledger string, expenditure comments, and creator.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > PGM Reports
Look up Projects Chart of Account Values RU PJ 013 COA Segment Listing for Projects Report Shows the default project string for each project, old project number, name, project manager, contract, and task numbers. Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > PGM Reports Review and Reconcile Project Revenue Transactions to the General Ledger
Shows all project-related details including general ledger postings, similar to the Manage Revenue Distributions Oracle application. Only displays project revenue, not cost.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > Projects
Reconcile Project Transactions to the General Ledger
RU GL 089 Account Analysis Report (see Navigation Path)
Displays general ledger chart of accounts transaction activity. The report has expanded values from the subledgers to include project number, task number, contract number, revenue source, and purchase order (PO) number, as applicable. Helpful in reconciliation of various subledger transactions to the general ledger.
Tools > Scheduled Processes > Account Analysis Report
Job Aid
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Review GL Transactional Data
This report is similar to the Account Analysis and RU GL 089 reports in the details it provides, with additional sub-ledger data for all transactions.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > ATC Reports
Review GL Transactional Data
RU GL 089 Account Analysis Report (see Navigation Path)
Displays general ledger chart of accounts transaction activity. The report has expanded values from the subledgers to include project number, task number, contract number, revenue source, and PO number, as applicable. Helpful in reconciliation of various subledger transactions to the general ledger.
Tools > Scheduled Processes > Account Analysis Report
Search and Obtain Information about a Journal
Manage Journals (see Navigation Path)
Provides capability to search for journals.
How to Search for Journal Entries
General Accounting > Journals > Manage Journals
Review GL Balances (all Accounts)
Displays all accounts. Includes beginning balance, total debits, total credits, and ending balance.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 088
Review Detail GL Balances (Selected Chart Values)
Inquire on Detail Balances (see Navigation Path)
Displays all chart segments with the ability to add filtered values and see periodic or year-to-date activity.
General Accounting-> Period Close > Inquire and Analyze Detail Balances
Review YTD GL Revenues and Expenses
Summary P&L report at the great grandparent (GGP) account level by Business Line for a specific period. Includes comparison of total Business Line budget vs. actual.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 021
Review PTD/YTD/Full Year GL Revenues and Expenses
RU GL 022 Management P&L with MTD YTD & Full Year with Location Page Parameter
Summary P&L report at the GGP account level comparing budget to actual on-the-month to date, year-to-date, and full-year periods. Can be filtered by location.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 022
Review Calculated Ending Net Position Balance
Report provides opening fund balance, revenues at grandparent (GP) level, expenses at parent (P) level by natural account and non-operating revenues, and expenses at GP level. Also provides budget, encumbrances, and variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 072
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for All Units
Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account by campus Central, and the entire university. Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 075
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for New Brunswick Units
Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account for Rutgers University–New Brunswick. Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 076
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for Newark Units
Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account for the Rutgers University–Newark. Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 077
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for Camden Units
Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account for the Rutgers University–Camden. Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 078
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for RBHS Units
Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account for Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS). Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 079
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for Central Divisions
Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account for the central area. Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances.
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 080
Review GL Encumbrance Balances
Displays supplier, concatenated segments, purchase order number, invoiced amount, status and balances.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries - P2P
Review GL Encumbrance Detail
RU GL 074 Encumbrance Detail (in development)
Displays purchase order/commitment details based on chart of account string parameters entered.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > ATC Reports
Find GL String Postings Outliers
Trial balance and journal detail.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries > GL Reconciliation
Review Unit Budget vs. Actual Variance for All Units RU GL 104B BOG P&L All Units - Variance Displays a summary of revenues, expenses, transfers, and cost pools by Natural Account for the entire university. Includes budgets, actuals, and associated variances. Finance Reporting Center Reports
Financial Reporting Center > Use the Magnifying Glass and Search for 104B -
Job Aid
Navigation Path to Report
View Unused Spending for Endowment Operating Tasks
Presents a detail and summary view to analyze spend allocation for endowment operating tasks. The column "Project Inception to Date Balance with Full-Year Spend Allocation" shows the potential unused spend at a glance. This column assumes that there are no additional expenses through year-end.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries - Projects
Job Aid
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Review Vendor Invoice Information
An invoice register that provides detailed invoice information based on a variety of parameters.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries - P2P
Review Vendor Payment Information
A payment register that provides detailed payment information based on a variety of parameters.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries - P2P
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Review Employee Expense Reimbursement Summary Information
Summarizes employee expense reimbursement information.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries - P2P
Review Employee Expense Reimbursement Detail Information
Updated102 - Expense Reports Detail
Provides detailed information on employee expense reimbursements. Allows users to drill into expense items.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Saved Queries > RU Saved Queries - P2P
Job Aid
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Look up User's or Department's Oracle Access
Provides detail listing of OIT security permissions by employee, NetID, and job role.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > Global Reports
Look up GL Chart of Account Values
Detailed listing of the Chart of Accounts (CoA) by individual components of the CoA structure. Displays the child to the great grandparent level with a description of each component.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > Global Reports
Look up Projects Chart of Account Values
Shows the default project string for each project, old project number, name, project manager, and contract and task numbers.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > PGM Reports
Look up the Appropriate Approver for Expense Reimbursements
Lists all employees with access to post journal entries and relevant details of their finance approver (NetID, employee ID, email address, and unit-division-organization [U-D-O]). Available search parameters include employee name, finance approver, unit, and division.
Tools > Reports & Analytics > Shared Folders > Custom > RU Custom > Reports > Global Reports
Recommended Report (click on link)
Report Description
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FWS (Federal Work Study) employees paid by department
Lists the names of students on FWS and the actual employee earnings by pay period end date.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports
Appointments ending report
Run by department, the report lists employees with an expected job end date.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports
Roster of employees paid
Run by department and pay end date, the report lists all employees paid on that date and their job title, job code, and gross pay.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports
Active payroll employees
Run by department, the report lists all active employees with job code, job title, hire date, compensation rate, last check date, and supervisor name.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports
Commitment Accounting: Action required – Empl Chrg Inst
Employee Charging Instructions (ECI)
Run by fiscal year. There are three tabs to the report:
Funding Dates End in 90 Days
Lists employees with a project in their employee charging instructions that will expire within 90 days.
Emps Expired Funding End Dates
Lists employees with projects in their employee charging instructions that have already expired. The payroll will be charged to their Department Suspense account.
ECI Inactive Combination Code
Lists combination codes that have expired and/or been made invalid due to cross validation rules.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports > Commitment Accounting
Commitment Accounting: Payroll distributions by department
Run by department and pay end date, the report lists all employees paid on a pay period end date and where the employees’ pay was charged.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports > Commitment Accounting
Time and Labor: Rutgers time certification
Provides confirmation of work study hours.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports > Time and Labor
Time and Labor: Department comp time (compensation) report
Lists employees by department and shows compensation time balances.
Main Menu > Rutgers Reports > Time and Labor
Recommended Report (click on link)
Report Description
Report Job Aid
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Review Employee Detail Posted to the General Ledger
Displays payroll information for a position that is charged to a General Ledger (GL) string.
Tableau > Finance > MR > Payroll
Review the GL COA String Charged for a Payroll Event
Displays the GL string charged for a payroll event.
Tableau > Finance > MR > Payroll
Review an Employee's Pay Components
Displays salary information, Human Resources, and FTE data by employee GL string.
Tableau > Finance > MR > Payroll
Review Department Default Employee Charging Instruction
Displays default GL string, project, and task numbers of the employee charging instruction for department(s).
Tableau > Finance > MR > Payroll