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University Finance and Administration
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The Rutgers University Policy Library has been upgraded to accommodate the institution’s evolving needs for a modern and intuitive website where faculty, staff, students, and administrators can search for university policies.


In the fall of 2016, we launched Cornerstone, a multi-year strategic initiative to transform the administrative and student information systems and processes for Rutgers University. Since then, we have taken numerous measures to lay the groundwork to modernize, unify, and simplify operations and technology for finance and accounting, human resources, payroll, procurement, expense management, travel, and student experience. This pivotal effort will guide our work to standardize practices, improve data analytics and reporting, align services and deliverables with the university community’s needs, and support collaboration across all campuses.


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J. Michael Gower, Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer & University Treasurer, hosted a Finance Town Hall on March 16 for almost 450 attendees.

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J. Michael Gower, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and University Treasurer hosted a Finance Town Hall on August 17, 2022, for nearly 450 attendees.

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J. Michael Gower, Executive Vice President – Chief Financial Officer and University Treasurer, hosted a Finance Town Hall on March 30 for more than 400 attendees to share the latest developments in finance and other universitywide initiatives.