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Report an Adverse Event

Under the conditions, limits, and procedures applicable to your medical professional liability protection afforded by Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), you are encouraged to promptly report to our office any of the following unexpected injuries that could reasonably be expected to result in a patient claim:  

  1. Death 
  2. Paraplegia, quadriplegia, or paralysis 
  3. Spinal cord injuries 
  4. Nerve injury or neurological deficit 
  5. Brain damage 
  6. Total or partial loss of a limb or use of a limb 
  7. Sensory or reproductive organ loss or impairment 
  8. Serious impairment or disfigurement, including burns 
  9. Injuries involving an infant under six months of age 
  10. Unexpected outcome that required further care 
  11. Injury due to malfunction of a medical device, instrument, or other equipment 
  12. Legal inquiries regarding care provided including medical record requests, subpoenas, and summons 

To report an adverse event, please contact Healthcare Risk and Claims Management at 973-972-6277.