Subpoenas & Lawsuits
Accordion Content
The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) has specific procedures to follow in the instance that you are served with a subpoena. Contact the OGC for instructions immediately upon receiving a subpoena. If you accepted service of the document, note the date and time that you accepted the document.
Do not speak with any attorney unless the Department of Healthcare Risk and Claims Management or the Office of the General Counsel has informed you that it is appropriate to do so. You may inform the caller that you are not authorized to speak with them and refer them to Healthcare Risk and Claims Management at 973-972-6277 or the Office of the General Counsel at 848-932-7697.
We rely on students, interns, and residents to notify us about any adverse patient outcomes; therefore, it is important that you contact Healthcare Risk and Claims Management in the following situations:
Contact from an attorney regarding a former patient
Death as a result of an actual or suspected adverse event
Loss or impairment of limb or organ
Wrong patient/wrong site surgical procedure
Incorrect invasive treatment or procedure
Unintentionally retained foreign body
Suicide or attempted suicide of a patient
Elopement from facility
Neurological injury as a result of procedure or treatment
Any infant born with an Apgar (<6) at 5 minutes
Shoulder dystocia with brachial plexus injury
Ruptured uterus
Hysterectomy in postpartum woman
Intravascular catheter-related events
Perioperative or periprocedural-related peripheral or central nervous system deficits
Loss of sight
Spinal cord injury
Severe disfigurement including but not limited to burns and amputations
All sentinel events
This list does not include all of the events that might require you to make notice to our office. If you are a resident and become aware of an unexpected outcome that could lead to a claim, please report the incident as a precaution. If you believe that there is the potential for an adverse outcome, we encourage you to notify our office, as these reports support the continuous quality improvement of patient care and patient outcomes. Please also notify your program director.