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University Finance and Administration

Procurement Services: Purchasing

Frequently Asked Questions

  •   Yes. If you need to add a new supplier, you will need to send an invite through the Supplier Portal under MyApps.

  • No, but it is strongly encouraged that you use the University’s contracted suppliers as the first choice of suppliers. In general, you should use the University's contracted suppliers for purchases. The University’s commitments to these suppliers grant quantity pricing, which benefits all units. When you buy through these supplier contracts, you generally do not have to obtain additional quotations, or use the competitive bid process.

  • View the liaisons in Key Contacts or contact University Procurement Services Help Desk for assistance.

  • The time it takes to process your requisition depends on the nature of the items you are purchasing and how long it takes your unit to work through the approval process in RU Marketplace. Once your unit approves the requisition, you may track the status by typing your requisition number search field on the top right  of the RU Marketplace page.

  • Do not sign any agreement. Units do not have authority to sign supplier agreements on behalf of the University.  Agreements requiring signature must be forwarded to University Procurement Services for signature; the corresponding requisition number should also be included. 

  • See Section V in the Procurement and Payment Policy 20.1.11 (PDF) for details about competitive bidding.

  • When there are no competitive sources available, the unit must complete a Wavier of Bid Request.  

  • Do not attempt to resend a purchase order, as it may result in a duplicate order. Instead, please look at the history of the purchase order in RU Marketplace to ensure that Rutgers has sent the purchase order. If so, and the supplier still has not received it, contact University Procurement Services Help Desk.

  • Contact the supplier via phone or email to inquire about delivery status of the order. Please be advised if this supplier does not have a contract with the University, the unit must contact the supplier for all inquiries regarding the purchase. If there appears to be a problem with a University contracted supplier order, contact University Procurement Services Help Desk for further assistance.  

  • Units should not receive nor forward  invoices to Accounts Payable on the supplier’s behalf. Purchase orders clearly state that it is the supplier’s responsibility to send invoices to Accounts Payable at

  • Yes, University purchases are exempt from the payment of New Jersey sales and use tax. Contact Tax Services if a supplier questions the University's exemption policy.

  • You cannot return unused gift cards. 

  • Gift Cards will expire after 12 months