University Procurement Services participated in an innovative, Rutgers-wide coalition to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical device parts for the university’s frontline health care workers currently combating COVID-19. This endeavor, known as the RU 3D PPE project, launched on March 26 and has produced laser-cut face shields and 3D-printed headbands through a network of 40 3D printers at Rutgers facilities.
If your unit collected revenue from students using a system other than the term bill systems, such as continuing education programs, and you must cancel a course or event as a result of COVID-19 and refund all or a portion of that revenue, then you will need to initiate the Non-PO Upload request process through RU Marketplace. Please use the new Activity value (9105, COVID-19) and the appropriate natural accounts for these requests.
Rutgers University has been incredibly fortunate to receive monetary and personal protective equipment donations to help our community of healthcare professionals on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19. If you would like to donate money, medical supplies, or essential supplies, please contact us.
In light of the COVID-19 crisis, University Procurement Services is experiencing significant challenges with the procurement and delivery of goods and services to our customers. Please follow these guidelines to help ensure that we can continue to provide quality services related to shipping and deliveries during this time.