Training and Job Aids
Course Registration
Authorized business owners and invitees specified by their respective business units are invited to register for a session on the Cornerstone course registration website. A complete list of online training materials including presentations, job aids, and videos is available on Canvas.
Accounting / Financial Information
We have refreshed our training courses to provide you with a better understanding of the financial information system functionality and the related processes and procedures to take full advantage of the financial information system, improve the understanding of financial information, and ensure departments’ success in the management of the university’s fiscal responsibilities. To enroll in the financial information system virtual classroom training, visit the Cornerstone course registration website.
Foundational Courses
Course Name
Recommended Participants: Anyone who has access to the Financial Management System.
Course Description: A tutorial available on Canvas, which introduces terminology, steps to log into in the financial management system, how to create favorites, how to search for data and understand the tiles on the home page.
2 hours
COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA) Recommended Participants: Anyone who will transact in the financial management, expense management and RU marketplace systems.
Course Description: An instructor-led presentation where participants will learn about the CoA segment values, segment value hierarchies, cross validation rules, and how to request new CoA segment values.
2 hours ACCT010: Accounting 101 Recommended Participants: Any staff member who will transact in the financial management, expense management and RU marketplace systems and who are not familiar with accounting concepts and terminology.
Course Description: An instructor-led presentation where participants will gain a basic understanding of accounting fundamentals and key accounting concepts.
1 1/2 hours NHFMT010: New Hire Class for the Financial Management System Recommended Participants: New employees who have been employed by Rutgers University less than a year and will be responsible for the financials of their departments.
Course Description: An instructor-led class that provides an end-to-end view of the financial management system. Participants will be introduced to foundational concepts related to chart of accounts, projects, journals and financial reports. Participants will learn basic navigation, project inquiry, and how to create general ledger journals. The course will familiarize participants on the reporting tools available in the financial management system.
3 hours Core Courses
Course Name
Duration Recommended Participants: All employees who will enter journal transactions in the Financial Management System.
Prerequisites: GN010: General Navigation and COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA)
Course Description: This course covers the journal entry process in the financial management system. Participants will learn how to create manual journals, either by a spreadsheet or form. The course will explain the approval process for journals. A tutorial is available on Canvas.
2 hours GLPRR010: General Ledger and Project Journal Rules Recommended Participants: All Financial Management System preparers and approvers.
Prerequisites: GL020 Journal Entry and Approving, APA010 Advanced Project Adjustments and COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA)
Course Description: This instructor-led hands-on session shows participants how to research and correct any Cross Validation Rules (CVRs) violations, Auto Rejected Journals or errors on project cost adjustments.
2 hours M030: Financial Management System Reporting Recommended Participants: This course is intended for business managers or any employee responsible for managing and reporting their department's financials.
Prerequisites: GN010: General Navigation and COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA)
Course Description: This instructor-led hands on course provides an overview of how to use a variety of reporting tools in the financial management system. Participants will learn how to locate GL Balances, GL Transactions, Project Balances, Project Transactions, and Project Information. The course will review the reporting tools available (Financial Reporting Center, Business Intelligence Publisher, RU Saved Queries) and explain how each tool should be used to retrieve information.
3 hours PA010: Non-Sponsored Projects Recommended Participants: This course is intended for employees who will administer non-sponsored projects.
Prerequisites: GN010: General Navigation and COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA)
Course Description: A tutorial available on Canvas, this course covers financial management processes for non-sponsored projects. Participants will learn foundational concepts related to projects in the financial management system. Participants will learn how to perform project inquiries, and review cost adjustments.
2 hours APA010: Advanced Project Adjustments Recommended Participants: Employees who have Advance Project Adjustment access in the Financial Management System.
Prerequisites: GN010: General Navigation, COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA) and PA010: FM Non Sponsored Projects
Course Description: This is a hands-on session in which participants will perform project cost and revenue transactions, transfers and split transfers transactions. Participants will learn how to perform these advanced project adjustments, how to obtain the COA string and contract for a project, perform adjustment inquiries and view accounting entries.
3 hours Elective Courses
Course Name
Description Duration SV010: Smart View
Recommended Participants: This course is intended for business managers or any employee responsible for managing and reporting their department's financials.
Prerequisites: COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA) and M030: Financial Management System Reporting
Course Description: This instructor-led hands-on session provides an overview of how to use SmartView, an Excel and web-based reporting tool available through the financial management system. This course will include demonstrations of Rutgers Profit & Loss Excel Templates, and Trial Balance Adhoc Templates. Participants are encouraged to bring their own general ledger for use in the hands on exercises.
2 hours OTBI020: Self Service Project Reporting in the Financial Management System Recommended Participants: This course is intended for business managers or any employee responsible for managing and reporting their department's financials.
Prerequisites: COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA) and FM030: Financial Management System Reporting
Course Description: This instructor-led hands-on session provides an overview for creating project reports/queries using Project Subject Areas in the Financial Management System. Participants will learn how to copy templates, customize them as appropriate and schedule their customized reports/queries to be delivered via email.
2 hours TAB010: Introduction to Running Basic Tableau Reports Recommended Participants: This course is intended for employees who have access to the Tableau Server and access to payroll information.
Course Description: This instructor-led course with hands-on computer exercises will provide participants with a basic overview of Tableau and the steps necessary to run a report and download the report results. A short tutorial on how to run the FMS Payroll Distribution report and an explanation of other payroll reports available in Tableau will be given for those participants that have access to payroll information.
1 hour TAB020: Introduction to Tableau Report Development Recommended Participants: Participants must have approval and access to Tableau Server prior to registering for the course. They should also have experience navigating and running Tableau managed reports.
Course Description: This course will teach participants how to create a Tableau dashboard comprised of multiple visualizations. It begins with a brief overview of Tableau features, Tableau Server navigation, the basics of working with Tableau, and the Oracle Cloud General Ledger data source. Then, the instructor will model the creation of various views and dashboards that participants will then replicate in hands-on computer exercises and publish to the Tableau Server Training project. There will also be a small segment covering optional Tableau Desktop functionality. If you are looking for training in running reports in Tableau, please see Introduction to Running Tableau Reports in our Course Catalog.
3 hours FMSEARCH: Financial Management System Search Options Recommended Participants: This course is intended for business managers or any employee responsible for managing and reporting their department's financials.
Course Description: This instructor-led virtual training session shows participants how to research transactions in the Financial Management System. Participants will learn how to search project information, project transaction numbers, journal transactions, and revenue events. Participants will also learn how to customizing screen searches and result screens. This course is recommended for financial management users.
2 hours -
View our job aids on Canvas.
Financial Information Systems
Finance Reports
View the Finance Report Catalog, which provides an easy-to-use tool for accessing the reports you need, including the ability to filter, search, and sort reports.
BI Publisher
Scheduling a BI Report: Training Video and Job Aid
NEW RU GL 145 GL and Sub-ledger Transaction Report Definitions NEW BETA NEW RU PJ 068 Projects Fund Balance Report Financial Reporting Center
Reporting Tools Overview Oracle Financial Cloud
Oracle Scheduled Processes
RU GL 089 Account Analysis Report: Custom Output Layout and Training Video
Oracle Fusion Transaction Business intelligence (OTBI)
NEW Sponsored Summary – Budget, Cost, And Encumbrance by Expenditure Type Report Smart View
- Rutgers Tableau Server
- What Is Tableau
- Tableau Training Sample Workbook
- Tableau Training Guide
- Tableau Training Video
- List of Tableau Content Managers
- Tableau Product and License Decision Guide
- Team Structure
- Tableau Discoverer Finance Reports
- FMS Payroll Distribution Report
- Tableau Quick Reference Guide
Our training courses are designed to improve your understanding of the budget planning and forecasting system, its functionality, and related processes. These resources will enable you to take full advantage of the financial management system, improve your understanding of financial information, and ensure departmental success in managing Rutgers’ fiscal responsibilities. View the FY24 training dates.
EPBCS020 - Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (Revenue and Expense)
Recommended Participants: Support Unit and Academic and Auxiliary Unit planners who will perform budgeting in the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (EPBCS) application. Fall courses are recommended for cost center planners. Spring courses are recommended for responsibility center planners.
Course Description: This hands-on course is designed to teach planners how to plan and develop their budget using the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service - Budget module. Users will learn system navigation, how to enter data into enhanced web forms, and how to run reports. Participants must bring a department General Ledger accounting string to use for hands-on computer exercises.
2.5-hour course with hands on-computer exercises
EPBCSWKF030 - Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (Workforce Planning) Recommended Participants: Support Unit and Academic and Auxiliary Unit planners who will perform budgeting and workforce planning in the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (EPBCS) application. Fall courses are recommended for cost center planners. Spring courses are recommended for responsibility center planners.
Course Description: This hands-on course is designed to teach planners how to plan and develop their workforce budget using the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service - Workforce module. Users will learn to add, remove, assign and vacate positions, and how to update salaries and employee charging instructions.
2.5-hour course with hands on-computer exercises EPBCSWKF040 - Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (Workforce Budget Position Reconciliation) Recommended Participants: Support Unit and Academic and Auxiliary Unit planners who will perform budgeting and workforce planning in the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (EPBCS) application. Fall courses are recommended for cost center planners. Spring courses are recommended for responsibility center planners. Participants should have already taken EPBCSWKF030.
Course Description: This hands-on course is designed to teach planners how to reconcile Workforce Budget position rosters to current PeopleSoft HR data. Users will learn how to reconcile new positions to vacant, existing, or newly created positions, as well as how to update salaries and employee charging instructions for reconciled positions.
2-hour course with hands on-computer exercises From Static Budgeting to Dynamic Forecasting and Why It Matters (Jan. 2019) White Paper -
View our job aids here.
Cost Analysis and Reporting
Course Name Description Research Space Inventory and Functional Usage Survey Training If you will be involved with the research space inventory and functional usage survey, you will need to complete this mandatory, hands-on course, developed to familiarize users with the federal regulations and university policies/procedures that govern survey completion. It will also introduce users to the Webspace system and provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the system.
TL020: Time Entry Recommended Participants: Employees who are responsible for entering or approving time for their department's staff.
Prerequisites: COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA)
Course Description: This instructor led presentation covers the Time and Labor module in PeopleSoft. The course will address topics such as employee timesheets and Web Clock, entering time on behalf of an employee (timekeeper only), approving time, TRC Codes, Rules, Exceptions, and generating reports in the system.
2 hours CA020: Commitment Accounting/Reports Recommended Participants: This course is intended for business managers or any employee responsible for managing and reporting their department's financials.
Prerequisites: COA010: Chart of Accounts (CoA)
Course Description: This instructor-led course takes 2 hours. This instructor led presentation focuses on the Commitment Accounting Module in PeopleSoft. The course will include instruction on setting employee charging instructions, searching and navigating the Chart of Accounts as it pertains to employee salaries, and the use of the Salary and Wage Redistribution and Justification Application. This course will also explain how to run the payroll reports in Tableau.
3 hours